Recommended Resources

Hymns of Grace (Apple Music Playlist)

Playlist of most hymns in our Hymns of Grace hymnbook. Arrangements/tune of each hymn in playlist is consistent with the hymnbook.


  • Hymns of Grace Hymnbook View Resource

    Hymns of Grace is a collection of approximately 355 titles that features current standard hymns (some rearranged musically), old hymns that have fallen out of use, many wonderful new hymns, and more than 90 responsive Scripture readings (ESV). This link will provide you with further information on the hymnbook including: title lists, topical index, sample Scripture readings, Q&A section and where to purchase.
  • Hymns of Grace (Spotify Playlist) View Resource

    Playlist of most hymns in our Hymns of Grace hymnbook. Arrangements/tune of each hymn in playlist is consistent with the hymnbook.
  • Hymns of Grace (Apple Music Playlist) View Resource

    Playlist of most hymns in our Hymns of Grace hymnbook. Arrangements/tune of each hymn in playlist is consistent with the hymnbook.